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BEST SSC Coaching in Delhi

BEST SSC Coaching in Delhi

SSC Exams - Staff Selection Commission Exams

SSC stands for Staff Selection Commission it is a government body that takes care of all the recruitments in the central government jobs the staff selection commission takes care of the recruitments both at the 10 + 2 level and at the graduate level the exams conducted by SSC are CHSL which stands for Combined Higher Secondary Level exam and CGL which stands for Combined Graduate Level CHSL takes care of all the clerk positions in central government comprising of 2 Major posts that is LDC lower division clerk and DEO that is data entry operator. The CGL on the other hand takes care of all the jobs at a little higher post which includes the post of offices examiners inspectors auditors and more in the various departments of Central Government like Income Tax, customs, excise, Ministries Railways, CBI, Intelligence Bureau, Delhi Police and many more it is a common exam taken by government of India which tries to fulfill all the posts in these various departments at various levels SSC also takes care of the junior engineer exam which fulfills the post of junior engineer in civil mechanical and electronics SSC also takes care of MTS which stands for multitasking and is given by both 10 + 2 and Graduate Level students.


SSC conducts CGL once a year which comprises of 3 tier exam Tier 1 takes care of maths, English, logic reasoning, and general studies where is Tier 2 exam takes care of only maths and English. Tier 3 exam is of descriptive English and has been introduced from year 2016 itself. From year 2016 another change has been made by which Tier 1 exam is now conducted online. 
The application form of CGL is filled during the month of December or January and the paper of Tier 1 usually happens around April and may Tier 2 exam of CGL is conducted around October of the same here followed by tier 3 exam. CGL is a highly reputed exam which takes care of the central government post under various Ministries. 
These exams are given by all the people from age 22 to 30 years (with relaxation for few categories) and from all the education backgrounds. Once the student prepare for SSC exam she automatically gets repaired for almost all other government job exams including Bank PO Railways Ministries income tax Delhi police and more

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